Download resources about AdAstra-Soft real-time kernel and libraries.
Most of the projects were updated on Jan 16, 2023
TinyUSB 0.13.0 added for F4, G4, L4, H7 families on May 07, 2022 (TinyUsb on Github)
For beginners, this page can help you create a TrueSTUDIO or STM32CubeIDE workspace and import a project downloaded here.
Please let us know what you think about what you are downloading.
Thank you.
AdAstra-RTK manual (STM32 edition)
English version AdAstra_RTK_2022_03us
French version AdAstra_RTK_2022_03fr
F1: NUCLEO-F103RB and “Blue Pill”
This package contains ready to use projects configured for development. The port handle all the F103xx family: It is suitable for NUCLEO-F103RB, Blue Pill, etc.
F4: The WeAct STM32F411 BlackPill
It would be interesting to stop using “Blue Pill” and start using the “Black Pill” variant of WeAct Studio. For a price barely higher you get a real STM32F411, being careful where you buy it.
An interesting presentation: BLUE PILL VS BLACK PILL: TRANSITIONING FROM STM32F103 TO STM32F411
For official technical information, schematics and reliable source see WeAct at github. It is very valuable to obtain the real schematics of a board.
To recognize a genuine board WeAct recommends checking the logo on the back of the board.

For MicroPython users, look at this page.
Support quality developers by purchasing their products. It’s also hard for the Chinese who hack each other!
In addition, in the event of a problem during your development, you will have no doubt about the quality of the MCU (Many Bluepill have fake chips).
The AdAstra-RTK project for the STM32F411 BlackPill
CORTEX-M0+ : STM32G071 and more
A port of AdAStra-RTK to the CORTEX-M0+ core.
The STM32G0xx family is extended: from 8 to 144 KB of RAM. The kernel is well suited for 32 KB and above, and its use with 8 KB is possible.
Try this powerful and inexpensive processor, it’s great.
Download the AdAStra-RTK port to the STM32G071 here .
This port contains three projects:
aaF429 : AdAstra-RTK TrueSTUDIO project configured for development. This project is ready to compile and to flash to a NUCLEO-F429ZI board.
The demonstration application :
- Create a task to blink the three LEDs,
- Initialize a console UART (through ST-LINK USB converter)
- Create two tasks using LWIP 2.1.2 : a UDP echo server and a TCP echo server.
- A test directory for aaBasic libraries
- An example for TinyUSB CDC
Download the NUCLEO-F429ZI project
aaThreadMetric : AdAstra-RTK TrueSTUDIO project configured for maximal performance, and implementing the ExpressLogic Thread-Metric Benchmark Suite.
Download the NUCLEO-F429ZI ThreadMetric benchmark
aaF446: An example of a project to facilitate porting to other MCUs of the F4 family (F401, F411, F405/415, F407/417…)

This package contains:
H743 : AdAstra-RTK TrueSTUDIO project configured for development. This project is ready to compile and to flash to a Nucleo-H743ZI board.
The demonstration application :
- Create a task to blink the three LEDs (push the blue button!),
- Initialize a console URT (through ST-LINK USB converter)
- A test directory for aaBasic libraries
- An example for TinyUSB CDC
Contains aaBasic libraries for: GPIO, UART, I2C, TIMERS, EXTI, SPI.
Easy port to other MCUs of the H7 family (H723, H742, H753, H750…).
Tested with NUCLEO-H743ZI, NUCLEO-H723ZG
Download the NUCLEO-H743ZI project
Download the NUCLEO-H723ZG project
Beware: To FLASH some MCU like the STM32H723 you have to update TrueSTUDIO.

For the new STM32L4+ serie
This package contains :
L4R5 : AdAstra-RTK TrueSTUDIO project configured for development. This project is ready to compile and to flash to a Nucleo-L4R5ZI board.
The demonstration application :
- Create a task to blink the three LEDs (push the blue button!),
- Initialize a console UART (through ST-LINK USB converter)
- A test directory for aaBasic libraries
- An example for TinyUSB CDC
Contains aaBasic libraries for: GPIO, UART, I2C, TIMERS, EXTI, SPI.
Easy port to other MCUs of the L4+ family.

For the new STM32G4 serie
This package contains :
AdAstra-RTK TrueSTUDIO project configured for development. This project is ready to compile and to flash to a NUCLEO-G431RB. It is also tested for NUCLEO-G491RE.
The demonstration application :
- Create a task to blink the userLED (push the blue button!),
- Initialize a console UART (through ST-LINK USB converter)
- A test directory for aaBasic libraries
- An example for TinyUSB CDC
Contains aaBasic libraries for: GPIO, UART, I2C, TIMERS, EXTI, SPI, DAC.
Easy port to other MCUs of the G4 family.
Tested with NUCLEO-G431RB, NUCLEO-G491RE.
Download the NUCLEO-STM32G431RB project
Beware: To FLASH some MCU like the STM32G491 you have to update TrueSTUDIO.